Surf the energy of the Universe
The Eight of Wands is a high-energy card that propels you forward.
You are taking care of business.
Go with the flow. Things are in motion. There will be a conclusion in the near future.
You may soon receive new information or an unexpected message from someone.
Things are moving fast. Don’t resist it! Make the most of this momentum to achieve your goals. Often, the Eight of Wands suggests air travel or a short-term trip, so you may be dreaming of travel when it’s safe to do so.
On one hand, the reversed Eight of Wands calls us to stop and smell the roses. It seems the good things in life happen in the blink of an eye. You may benefit from meditating on what you are grateful for and living in the moment. On the other hand, you may be trying to stall an inevitable situation. Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from moving forward.